2in1 ESWT Machine Electromagnetic Shock Wave + Pneumatic Shock Wave

The shock wave therapy equipment is based on the technology of unfocused low energy radial waves, which is a kind of acoustic wave which carries high energy to painful spots and fibrous or myoskeletal tissues with subacute, subchronic and chronic conditions. This energy promotes healing, regenerating and reparative processes of the tendons and soft tissue....
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The shock wave therapy equipment is based on the technology of unfocused low energy radial waves, which is a kind of acoustic wave which carries high energy to painful spots and fibrous or myoskeletal tissues with subacute, subchronic and chronic conditions. This energy promotes healing, regenerating and reparative processes of the tendons and soft tissue. The unfocused low energy radial waves scientifically proved to have a large impact on collagen structure and the skin connective tissue, improving blood circulation and the metabolism of fat cells. The mechanical massage effect reduces the edema and improves the lymphatic drainage of toxins. It stimulates collagen formation, while the skin becomes more elastic and its firmness is visible after only a few treatments.
How does shockwave remove cellulite?
Shock waves (RSWT), emitting like pulses and create vibrations to attack fibrous strands around fatty deposits under the skin. It is a technique of loosening and breaking the fibers and releasing of fat, water, and toxins. Simultaneously stimulate the production of very active and healthy new collagen fibers and gradually restores elasticity and strength of the skin. Through waves accelerates blood circulation and so much more oxygen and nutrients to reach these areas. The end result is a much smoother and tighter skin quickly and permanently.

Double wave with professional shock wave:

2.It combines Electromagnetic and Air Pressure Shock Wave with the best results for pain relief, ED therapy and reducing unwanted fat cellulite.

Advantages of shockwave therapy machine
1.Eliminate surgery;
2.Efficacy, the cure rate of 80-90%;
4.Does not hurt the normal tissue, only for the disease, especially the necrotic cells play a role;
5.Without hospital treatment, does not affect the normal life;
Functions of shockwave therapy machine
Myofascial trigger point therapy on back and shoulders
Trochanteric bursitis
Periostitis / shin splints (Condition after overload)
Dupuytren's disease
Thumb basal joint arthritis / rhizarthritis
Sports injury
Myofascial trigger points
Heel spurs
Radial and ulnar epicondylitis, tennis elbow
Tendinitis of the shoulder / shoulder problems
Calcific tendinitis of the shoulder
Status post muscular injury
Patellar tendinitis
Patellar tendinopathy
Plantar fasciitis
Erectile dysfunction
Shockwave therapy machine applications
Body reshaping
Anti-cellulite treatment
Treatment of skin irregularity after liposuction
Skin elasticity improvement
Connective tissue tightening
Scar and wrinkle smoothing
Reduce stretch marks
Lymphatic system stimulation

Radial pressure wave (Pneumatic shock wave ) have their greatest energy at its source
and weakens the farther it travels. Radial waves are generated by means of a pneumatic system.
Using compressed air, a projectile is accelerated to a high-speed then suddenly decelerated by a transmitter,
which is held to the area being treated. The generated kinetic energy is than transmitted to the tissue
from where it propagates outwards aspherically as a radial wave into the tissue.
The transmitter surface constitutes the highest pressure and highest energy density.
1)Superficial 3-4 cm treatment depth
2)Spreads to treat larger areas
3)Slow impulse
4)Low energy density

Application of superficial treatment:plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow or Achilles tendon
The radial shockwave comprises three parts - Ultrasonic pulse, audio acoustic pulse and the relatively slow shear wave.
Focused shockwaves (electromagnetic shock wave ) are able to penetrate deeper into the tissues
and provides all of its power at the designated depth.
Focused shockwaves are generated electromagnetically through a cylindrical coil creating opposing magnetic fields
when current is applied.
This causes a submerged membrane to move and generate a pressure wave in the surrounding fluid medium.
These propagate through the medium without any loss in energy with a small focal zone.
At the site of actual wave generation the amount of energy dispersed is minimal.
This limits damage at the skin and to underlying soft tissues.
1)Deep reach up to 12cm
2)Precise energy delivery to the exact area
3)Fast impulse
4)High energy density Application of intensive treatment: acute injury
New Arrives Pain Treatment Erectile ED 2 Handles Shockwave Therapy / Shockwave Therapy Machine for EDNew Arrives Pain Treatment Erectile ED 2 Handles Shockwave Therapy / Shockwave Therapy Machine for EDNew Arrives Pain Treatment Erectile ED 2 Handles Shockwave Therapy / Shockwave Therapy Machine for EDNew Arrives Pain Treatment Erectile ED 2 Handles Shockwave Therapy / Shockwave Therapy Machine for EDNew Arrives Pain Treatment Erectile ED 2 Handles Shockwave Therapy / Shockwave Therapy Machine for ED
Usage place:
1) orthopedics
2) rehabilitation
3) sports medicine
Function :
1) Physiotherapy sport injury recovery
2) Rehabilitation
3) Acute injury recovery
New Arrives Pain Treatment Erectile ED 2 Handles Shockwave Therapy / Shockwave Therapy Machine for ED

Shock wave Therapy Functions:

1.Pain relief, pain reduce,sport injuries

2.Cellulite treatment, body slimming

3.Erectile dysfunction (ED) treatment



Shockwave physiotherapy
Shockwave therapy is a modality that is becoming more common in physiotherapy.Using a much lower energy than in medical applications, shockwave therapy, or extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT),is used in the treatment of many ,musculoskeletal conditions, primarily those involving connective tissues such as ligaments and tendons.

Shockwave cellulite treatment
As fat cells grow larger, they get trapped under the skin, causing the surface of the skin to bulge. Thisleads to the tell-tale dimpling appearance. Blood flow is restricted by unhealthy fat cells.
Treatment is non-invasive, kind to the skin.Radial Pressure Waves break down fat cells and restore flexibility to connective tissue. Increased blood supply speeds up removal of waste products from fat cells. Blood flow is improved, allowing waste fluids to drain. Shockwaves stimulate activity within the cell, resulting in tighter, smoother looking skin. Skin and connective tissue tighten and regain their natural elasticity.

Shockwave ED treatment
Most men suffer from erectile dyfunction have vascular problems affecting the vessels that supply blood to the carvernous bodies of the penis, resulting in a decrease ability to develop and maintain an erection.
Shockwave therapy for ED of this type can be a highly effective treatment. The shockwave are focused on area to be treated creating new blood vessels in penile tissue, enabling patients to achieve and maintain firm spontaneous erections.


Electromagnetic ED Shock Wave Therapy for Erectile DysfunctionElectromagnetic ED Shock Wave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction


1.Pneumatic shockwave therapy & electromagnetic shockwave therapy

2. High effectiveness, fast relieve pain.

2.Noninvasive, no anesthetic, convenient and fast

3.Each nursing only 20 minutes, 5-10 nursing each session.

4.Widely applied to different soft tissue treatments.

5. Digital handle adjust the frequency and energy

6. Smart C mode and P mode for choice

7. Display real temperature and total impact counter


Electromagnetic ED Shock Wave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction

Product Application

1. Tennis elbow
Painful inflammation of the tendon attachment on the lateral elbow

2. Shoulder pain with or without calcification
Painful limitation of shoulder movement

3. Golfer's elbow
Painful inflammation of the tendon attachment on the medial elbow

4. Bursitis trochanteric
Painful periostitis of the hip

5. Patella tip syndrome
Inflammation of the tibial edge due to excessive strain

6. Tibial edge syndrome
Inflammation of the tibial edge due to excessive strain

7. Achillodynia
Painful irritation of the Achilles tendon

8. Painful heel
Painful, mostly chronic inflammation of the heel

9. Inflammation of the tendon attachment
Painful inflammation of tendon attachments due to overexertion or improper strain, or due to degenerative processes

10. Acupuncture points
Pain therapy through that treatment of acupuncture points

11. Painful trigger points

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2in1 ESWT Machine Electromagnetic Shock Wave + Pneumatic Shock Wave

2in1 ESWT Machine Electromagnetic Shock Wave + Pneumatic Shock Wave


2in1 ESWT Machine Electromagnetic Shock Wave + Pneumatic Shock Wave


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